The FRM stimulates and supports progress, that can improve and save lives.
For this, it works in the areas of lending support to medical research and scientific information.

Valérie Lemarchandel, Scientific Director
The aim of the FRM is to enable the most promising research work to be completed as quickly as possible and to contribute to the development of innovative, pioneering French medical research, supporting medical progress for all.
First Objective: support for research
By adopting a multidisciplinary approach, la FRM encourages, selects and finances promising research projects across all diseases : cancers, cardiovascular diseases, neurological and psychiatric diseases, infectious diseases, and others.
Convinced of the importance of fundamental research, the breeding ground for all medical innovation, the FRM lends its support to projects of excellence, aiming to increase the knowledge and know-how needed to develop innovative concepts at the origin of major advances, benefiting our health.
1 / Our Three Major Programs

Generalist program: promising Research
An ongoing, multidisciplinaryprogram, open to all researchers regardless of their field or type of project. Thisprogram was designed to increase the number of research possibilities exploredand to support promising health research.

Thematic program: priority research areas
In parallel with its generalist program, the FRM is positioning itself in areas of research deemed to be priorities with the ambition of increasing the impact of its action. The first area chosen is that of neurodegenerative diseases with a first 2019 call for projects dedicated to Alzheimer's disease.

Scientific Awards
The Scientific Awards were created on the initiative of the FRM or of donors, to reward researchers who have made remarkable contributions in a health field.
2 / Our partnerships
In addition to its annual programs, the FRM is involved in numerous partnerships that allow it to broaden the scope of its biomedical research initiatives.
3 / Our awards
The Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale awards are presented each year at a ceremony that serves as a special moment for researchers and donors to meet.
4 / Our Sheltered Foundations
According to its statutes, the FRM has the possibility to act as an umbrella organization, sponsoring other organizations under its aegis, designated as sheltered foundations under French law. These other organizations must be dedicated to supporting medical research.
Second Objective: scientific information

Through its educational activities, the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale provides the general public with insight into the advances and challenges of medical research and enables donors to measure how their donations are actually helping researchers in their work.
It acts as a bridge between researchers and the general public using tool such as: